Sunday, March 14, 2010

All About WiFi - or How to Make it Sing!

Last fall, created public WiFi systems in three RV Resorts in Pinal County. We built the systems using the absolute state of the art technology placing access points at intervals to assure quality signals to all customers. Over the course of the season from October 2009 - May 2010 we provided service to more than 500 customers. Most gave raving reviews but a few (about 20) apparently experienced the worst of times trying to get online. This blog post is dedicated to those few customers who had such a terrible time getting online...

So, the basic rule of WiFi is that "It takes TWO to tango!"..or said another way, "When two people are shaking hands, can you really tell which one is sweating?"...

Here's the deal..The ISP builds a WiFi distribution system. The system uses Access Points that have a range of miles. The consumer arrives with his or her laptop and, sitting inside their living quarters, attempts to connect to the WiFi system. Most of the time, it works. But, sometimes, everything goes wrong and there is no connection..Why you ask...

Unlike an Ethernet cable, a WiFi connection is influenced by a host of variables. We'll try to enumerate them below:

A) Laptop Wireless Card and Software - Each brand of laptop computer is different from other brands and within the brand, each model may differ from other models.

Here's why. Each laptop brand utilizes completely different design strategies and objectives from other brands. It's as different as Chevy vs. Dodge...Then, within the brand, each build of a model utilizes different electronic components, as many variables as you can imagine.

The goal is that all of these differences should become transparent and allow any laptop built by anyone using any set of components to talk to the ISP's WiFi base station...Think about that proposition...The expectation is that the ISPs base station should be able to talk to any computer made by any manufacturer using any components at any time...Do you honestly know of any other common resource that can do that?

But, the probabilities are not as dismal as that may sound. The most common issue is that the customer's laptop radio or radio software is simply not able to communicate with the ISPs base station...The reasons are as follows:

a) The dwelling is constructed with insulation that has Aluminum Foil backing (which blocks radio waves)

b) There are more than 2 layers of Sheet Rock between the customer's computer and the ISPs Access Point..Sheet Rock is Radio Opaque..e.g. sheet rock blocks radio waves,,

c) The laptop's radio card is not putting out enough power. The distance criteria for laptop wireless cards is 100' of clear obstacles..

d) The laptop's radio card software driver software is not working properly.

e) Environmental variables..not a cop-out..simply the facts..Solar Flares, RF noise from surrounding Laptops and microwave ovens (yup, they use Microwave Radio Energy on the 2.4Ghz frequency (same as WiFi) to heat food molecules.

B) Power Cures All Ills - When you are making a radio connection, you generally cannot go wrong by providing a more powerful transmitter and a more sensitive receiver.

To that end, we now stock 1,000mw USB Radio Adapters, roughly 25 times more powerful than the average laptop, to cure what ails your PC. Priced at $50 for self installation, this is a WiFi bargain. "NEVER experience WiFi withdrawls again!"

FYI. You can use these 1,000mw adapters with ANY WiFi source. So, your conection will ALWAYs rock!

Interested..Email us at or give us a call at 520-233-7400 (be patient re: call back)..and if you get voice mail, please leave a message...We will call you back...

Your Support Team @

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